Tuesday, 4 December 2012

The Dark Knight Rises Poster & Trailer

The Dark Knight Rises

Actors: Along the top of the poster there is a list of well known actors which would attract audiences who are fans of the actor and promote the film as worthy of seeing as good actors are in it.
Tagline: 'A Fire Will Rise' Suggests the films genre to be action and tells the audience that there will be a dilemma and a climax in the film, it makes them anticipate whats going to happen and possibly persuading them to go and see it.
Images: Batman is in the forefront of the poster suggesting he is the main character, obviously therefore attracting Batman fans and the fire behind him suggests disaster but as its behind him it shows he's overcome it. It's also in the shape of bat wings which again relates to the whole Batman franchise. Behind the title of the film 'The Dark Knight Rises' is the batman logo, this attracts a huge fanbase of the batman franchise, including people who are fans of the films and comics, it's especially important as the poster doesn't state that the film is a Batman film, but it's made obvious by the imagery used. 
Director: The poster states the film is by director Christopher Nolan, he has directed the past 3 Batman films so if audiences have enjoyed them it attracts them to see this one as well as if they have enjoyed any of his previous films such as Inception.
Production Company: The Warner Brothers logo is placed at the bottom of the poster, as well as being a hugely well known company and recognised world wide with it being one of the oldest, it's also been the production company for all Batman franchise. Allowing existing fans to known this film will be just as good as the last.
Release Date: Above the release date is 'The Legend Ends' this could have many meanings. Nolan said this would be his last Batman film. It could also make audiences anticipate the storyline and expect a very big climax. It also states that it can be seen at the 'IMAX' which shows audiences where it can be seen and suggests it's a big production as opposed to an independent film. 

The trailer starts with a montage of some of the best action sections of the film, it then slows it down and shows a small clip of dialogue between Blake and a boy, here they say 'do you think he's coming back?' 'I don't know' this entices the audience to go and watch the film by making them anticipate if Batman is coming back, it obviously relates to previous batman films so will attract a fan base. It then shows a series of logos such as Warner Brothers & DC comics this again will attract a fan base and reassure them, as these are recurring production companies, that this Batman will be just as good if not better than the previous films. Then after more climatic scenes they finally show batman, and Morgan Freeman then goes 'remember where you parked?' another reference to the previous films it excites fans by showing them Batman is indeed back. The fan base is then further reassured by stating Christopher Nolan directed it. They then show he release date to make audiences aware of when they can see it. Then the tagline of the film 'a fire will rise' is shown again creating tension and anticipation for the audience. It finishes with small dialogue scene between Alfred and Bruce Wayne, that is slightly amusing just to remind audiences that the film isn't all action there is a story and characters that they love too.

Box Office Figures:
Over all the film took $250 million to make and took $448,134,640, this is only really just under doubling the budget it took to make. However this does not include all the money made from merchandise etc. Independent films make more of an overall profit, but can't make money of merchandising.